

This LaTeX code produces a diagram using the TikZ package that depicts different categories of data structures. The diagram consists of a central node labeled "Data Structures" with four nodes branching out from it, each representing a category of data structures: Linear, NonLinear, Homogeneous, and Heterogeneous. The Linear node contains a list of linear data structures, the NonLinear node contains a list of non-linear data structures, the Homogeneous node contains a list of homogeneous data structures, and the Heterogeneous nodes contain subcategories of heterogeneous data structures each with a box that contains a list of examples of the subcategory. The diagram uses the color scheme of a purpleVue color for the text, and a double line drawn around each of the nodes to differentiate them from one another.


tikz, nodes, edges, colors, positioning, double lines, minimum height, minimum width, label, itemize, varwidth.

Source Code


\documentclass[tikz,border=5pt, varwidth=false, preview=true]{standalone}
\usetikzlibrary{positioning, calc, arrows}
\begin{tikzpicture}[text height=1.5ex,text depth=.25ex]
% Root Node
\node[draw, rounded corners, rectangle, minimum height= 25em, minimum width=55em, label={[anchor=north]north:{\Large Data Structures}}] (DS) {};
% Linear Node
\node[rounded corners, %fill=black,
text depth = 5em, minimum width=10em,
double=purpleVue, %% here
double distance =1pt,    %% here
minimum height= 15em,
text=purpleVue, label={[anchor=north]north:{\large Linear}}] at ([xshift=5.5em, yshift=0em]
% See
DS.west) (L){};
\node[draw=none] at ([xshift=17em, yshift=-6em] L.west) {{\vbox {
\item Lists
\item Sets
\item Tuples
\item Queues
\item Stacks
\item Heaps
% % Non Linear Node
\node[rounded corners, %fill=black,
text depth = 5em, minimum width=10em,
double=purpleVue, %% here
double distance =1pt,    %% here
minimum height= 15em,
text=purpleVue, label={[anchor=north]north:{\large NonLinear}}] at ([xshift=5em, yshift=0em]
% See
L.east) (NL){};
\node[draw=none] at ([xshift=17em, yshift=-6em] NL.west) {{\vbox {
\item Trees
\item Tables
\item Containers
% Homogenous Node
\node[rounded corners, %fill=black,
text depth = 5em, minimum width=10em,
double=purpleVue, %% here
double distance =1pt,    %% here
minimum height= 15em,
text=purpleVue, label={[anchor=north]north:{\large Homogenous}}] at ([xshift=5em, yshift=0em]
% See
NL.east) (Ho){};
\node[draw=none] at ([xshift=17em, yshift=-6em] Ho.west) {{\vbox {
\item 2D Arrays
\item MultiDArrays
% Heterogeneous
\node[rounded corners, %fill=black,
text depth = 5em, minimum width=10em,
double=purpleVue, %% here
double distance =1pt,    %% here
minimum height= 15em,
text=purpleVue, label={[anchor=north]north:{\large Heterogeneous}}] at ([xshift=5em, yshift=0em]
Ho.east) (He){};
\node[draw=none] at ([xshift=4.5em, yshift=-3em] He.west) {
\item Linked Lists
\item Ordered Lists
\item Unordered Lists
% % Heterogeneous
\node[rounded corners, %fill=black,
text depth = 5em, minimum width=10em,
double=purpleVue, %% here
double distance =1pt,    %% here
minimum height= 15em,
text=purpleVue, label={[anchor=north]north:{\large Heterogeneous}}] at ([xshift=5em, yshift=0em]
He.east) (Dy){};
\node[draw=none] at ([xshift=3.5em, yshift=-3em] Dy.west)  {
% This is a better way to set items in a list, such that it doesn't impact the size of the tikzpicture
\item Dictionaries
\item Treesets
\item Sequences
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