

The code above is a LaTeX document that generates a block diagram using the TikZ package. It defines a series of blocks and components, including input, adders, and feedback loops, and connects them using arrows and lines. The diagram represents a system with multiple blocks labeled as G_1G\_1, G_21+G_2H_2\frac{G\_2}{1+G\_2H\_2}, 1+H_1G_21+\frac{H\_1}{G\_2}, and G_3G\_3, and a feedback loop with a block labeled as H_3H\_3. The diagram also includes labels and annotations for the various components and connections, such as R(s)R(s) for the input and C(s)C(s) for the output. The code also defines some custom styles and commands for drawing the blocks and connecting them in a visually pleasing manner.


standalone, blox, tikz, positioning, equal, intersections, tkz-euclide, connect, let, veclen, atan2, insert path, bXInput, bXComp, bXLink, bXBloc, bXChain, bXBranchx, bXBranchy, draw, node, right, center, path, name, intersections, of.

Source Code


% Radius for arc over intersection
	connect/.style args={(#1) to (#2) over (#3) by #4}{
		insert path={
			let \p1=($(#1)-(#3)$), \n1={veclen(\x1,\y1)}, 
			\n2={atan2(\y1,\x1)}, \n3={abs(#4)}, \n4={#4>0 ?180:-180}  in 
			(#1) -- ($(#1)!\n1-\n3!(#3)$) 
			arc (\n2:\n2+\n4:\n3) -- (#2)
\bXInput{A}				% Input
\bXComp{B}{A}			% First adder
\bXLink[$R(s)$]{A}{B}	% Input Label
\bXBloc[2]{C}{$G_1$}{B}	% Block G1
\bXLink{B}{C}			% First added -- G1
\bXComp{D}{C}			% Second adder
%\bXLink{G2}{adder4}		% G2 to adder
%\bXBloc[3]{G3Block}{$G_3$}{adder4} % G3
%\bXBranchy[7.5]{BranEnd}{H3BlockRight} % Right H3 Block
%\bXBranchy[2.5]{H3BlockRight}{BranEndReturn} % Right H3 Block
\bXBranchx[3]{G3}{BranEnd} % branch before output
\bXBranchy[5]{BranEnd}{H3BlockRight} %H3BlockRight
\bXBloc[-7.5]{H3Block}{$H_3$}{H3BlockRight}	% H3 Block
\draw[-] ( -- (;
\draw[->] ( -- (H3Block);
\node[right = 0.5cm of BranEnd] (end) {$C(s)$};
\draw[->] (G3) -- (end);
%H3 to second adder
%Output back to input, feedback loop
\draw[-] ( -- (;
\draw[-] ( -- (;
\draw[->] (  -- (B);
%\draw[-] (H3Block) -- (;
%\path[name path=line] ( -- (E);
%\path[name intersections={of=H2 to adder2down and line,by=inter}];
%\draw[->,connect=( to (E) over (inter) by 3pt ];
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