

This is a LaTeX code that generates a UML class diagram using the TikZ-UML package. The diagram depicts a game application involving pirates, players, bullets, hearts, and mini-ships. The code defines several classes such as Pirates Game, Player, Bullet, Hearts, and Mini-ships, and includes attributes and methods for each class. The arrows between the classes depict the relationships between them such as compositions, associations, and generalizations. The code also defines a constant value and a custom command. Finally, the code includes a note describing the interactions between players and game objects.


latex, tikz-uml, umlclass, constant, type, preload, create, GameLoop, CreateShip, Player, update, Bullet, Hearts, Mini-ships, server, client, spawns, shoots, destroys, association, composition, note.

Source Code


%\umlimpl[stereo=realizes, pos stereo=0.5]{ClassA}{InterfaceA}
%\umlclass[x=4, type=interface]{InterfaceB}{}{}
%\umlclass[x=4, y=-4]{ClassB}{}{}  
%\node[] at (3,-2) {<<realizes>>}; 
\umlclass[]{Pirates Game}
		WORLD\blank{0.2cm}SIZE : constant\blank{0.2cm}type = {w:1500,h:1000}  \\
		WINDOW\blank{0.2cm}WIDTH  : constant\blank{0.2cm}type = 750	\\
		WINDOW\blank{0.2cm}HEIGHT : constant\blank{0.2cm}type = 500	
		preload() : void \\
		create() : void \\
		GameLoop() : void \\
		CreateShip(string,Number,Number,Number) : Sprite \\
		+ x : Number \\
		+ y : Number \\
		+ rotation : Number \\
		+ health : Number \\
		+ alive : Boolean \\
		+ shot  : Boolean \\
		+ bullets : Number \\
		+ speed\blank{0.2cm}x : Number \\
		+ speed\blank{0.2cm}y : Number \\
		update () : void \\
	+ x : Number \\
	+ y : Number \\
	+ speed\blank{0.2cm}x : Number \\
	+ speed\blank{0.2cm}y : Number \\
	+ x : Number \\
	+ y : Number \\
	+ speed\blank{0.2cm}x : Number \\
	+ speed\blank{0.2cm}y : Number \\
	+ x : Number \\
	+ y : Number \\
	+ speed\blank{0.2cm}x : Number \\
	+ speed\blank{0.2cm}y : Number \\
	+ rotationDirection : Number \\
	+ rotation : Number
\umlnote[x=7,y=-10,width=7.5cm]{Player}{Interactions between players and  game objects is controlled by the server and client. Each player \\ updates their own position.}
\umlunicompo[mult1=spawns,arg1=server,mult2=bullets,pos1=0.35,pos2=0.65]{Pirates Game}{Bullet}
\umlunicompo[mult1=spawns,arg1=server,mult2=Hearts,pos1=0.15,pos2=0.85]{Pirates Game}{Hearts}
\umlunicompo[geometry=|-|,arg1=creates, mult1=server,arg2=player,mult2=client,pos1=1.5,pos2=2.6]{Pirates Game}{Player}
\umlunicompo[mult1=spawns,arg1=server,mult2=Mini-ships]{Pirates Game}{Mini-ships}
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