

The code defines a sequence diagram using the tikz-uml package in LaTeX. The diagram includes three objects/classes B, C, and D. The fill object and fill call styles are set to white and gray, respectively. The diagram depicts a loop where B sends a message to C, and based on a condition, C may either send a message to D or assess the update and send a message back to B. The condition is depicted with an alt fragment. If C sends the message to D, D will execute the run operation before returning a message to C, which will then continue the loop. The diagram also includes three timeline markers for B, C, and D that indicate the duration between messages.


latex, tikz-uml, umlobject, umlseqdiag, umlfragment, umlcallself, umlcall, umlfpart, umlsdnode

Source Code


 \tikzumlset{fill object = white, fill call = gray!20} 
\begin{umlcall}[op=send, type=asynchron]{b}{c}
    \begin{umlfragment}[type=alt, label=condition, inner xsep=8]
        \begin{umlcall}[op=send, type=synchron, return=send update]{c}{d}
            \begin{umlcallself}[padding=1.5, op=run]{d} 
        \begin{umlcallself}[op=assess update]{c} 
            \begin{umlcall}[op=send update, type=synchron, return=acknowledge]{c}{b}
            \begin{umlcall}[op=allow continue, padding=-2.5, type=asynchron]{c}{b}
        \begin{umlcall}[op=allow continue, type=asynchron]{c}{b}
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