

This is a LaTeX document that generates a circuit diagram using the circuitikz package. The circuit represents an electrical system with multiple resistors and a voltage source. The circuit consists of several components connected by wires. The circuit has three resistors, labelled as R_l, R_l1, and R_l2, and one voltage source labelled as F=NI\mathscr{F} = NI. The circuit also includes several arrows that represent the flow of current and voltage, as well as labels to indicate the values of the different components. Finally, the diagram has a caption or title which says ϕ_Meme\phi\_{Meme} and is placed at the bottom of the image.


circuitikz, graphicx, mathrsfs, latexsym, amssymb, amsmath, current, voltage, resistance, circuit, colors, nodes, arrows.

Source Code


				\draw (4,0) to [V,l_=$\mathscr{F}\equal NI$, -*] (6,0) 
				(2,0) -- (2,2)
				(2,2) to [R,l^=$\mathscr{R}_{l}$,i^>=$\phi_l$, v_>=$\mathscr{F}_1$, color=purple] (6,2)
				(6,2) -- (6,0)
				(2,0) to [R,l^=$\mathscr{R}_{l2}$,i^<=$\phi_t$, v_<=$\mathscr{F}_{l2}$, *-, color=blue] (4,0)
				(2,0) -- (0,0)
				(0,0) to [R,l^=$\mathscr{R}_{l1}$, v_>=$\mathscr{F}_{l1}$, color=red]  (0,4)
				(6,0) -- (8,0)
				(8,4) to [R,l^=$\mathscr{R}_{l1}$, v_>=$\mathscr{F}_{l1}$, color=red]  (8,0)
				(0,4) -- (3,4)
				(3,4) to [R,l^=$\mathscr{R}_{g}$,i^>=$\phi_g$, v_>=$\mathscr{F}_{g}$, color=green] (5,4) 
				(5,4) -- (8,4);
%				(0,0) to [R,l^=$\mathscr{R}_{g}$, v_<=$\mathscr{F}_1$, color=green] (4,0)
%				(0,2) to [R,l_=$0.5\mathscr{R}_{s}$, v^>=$\mathscr{F}_2$, color=blue] (4,2)
%				(4,2) -- (4,0)
			\node (phi) at (7.0,1.25) {$\phi_{Meme}$};
			\draw[-stealth]  (1,1.25) to [bend left=90] (phi);
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