

The code above is a LaTeX document that creates a diagram using the TikZ package. The diagram consists of four rectangles, each of which is divided into two parts using the "rectangle split" option of TikZ. Two of the rectangles are labeled "Set of Parents" and the other two are labeled "Set of Children". The rectangles in each set are colored with different shades of blue, red, yellow, and green.

The four rectangles are arranged in a specific way, with the two rectangles in the Set of Parents arranged horizontally and the two rectangles in the Set of Children arranged below the Set of Parents with some vertical separation. The rectangles are connected using arrows, which are drawn using the "\path" command with the "->" option. The arrows connect specific parts of the rectangles, as specified by the "one" and "two" options of the "nodepart" command. The result is a simple diagram that shows how the two sets of rectangles are connected.


tikz, shapes.multipart, positioning, rectangle split, nodepart, styles, nodes, paths, edges.

Source Code


chromosome/.style 2 args={
       rectangle split ,
       rectangle split parts=2,
       rectangle split horizontal,
       rectangle split part fill={#1,#2},
       draw=black, very thick,
       minimum height=2.5em,
       text width=3.0cm,
       inner sep=2pt,
       text centered,
%% Rectangles
% Set of Parents
\node [chromosome={blue!15}{red!20}] (a) { \nodepart{two} } ;
\node [chromosome={yellow!30}{green!20}, right = of a] (b) { \nodepart{two} } ;
% Set of Children
\node [chromosome={blue!15}{yellow!30}, below = 2 cm of a] (c) { \nodepart{two} } ;
\node [chromosome={red!20}{green!20}, right = of c] (d) { \nodepart{two} } ;
% Labels
\node[right = of b] () {\textbf{Set of Parents}};
\node[right = of d] () {\textbf{Set of Children}};
% Paths
\path [->, very thick] ( south) edge[] node {}( north);
\path [->, very thick] (a.two south) edge[out=-90, in=90] node {}( north);
\path [->, very thick] ( south) edge[out=-90, in=90] node {}(c.two north);
\path [->, very thick] (b.two south) edge[] node {}(d.two north);
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