Ipfs Dapp


The TikZ code is creating a matrix of nodes with different styles, with some styles defining a background color, a box style and a title style. There is also a style to create a cylinder shape that is not used in the current code.

The matrix of nodes is named "stack" and has 5 columns, and the nodes are filled row-wise. The first row of the matrix is empty, and the second row has three nodes with no shadows. The third row has five nodes, where the first three have no shadows, the fourth node has a blue background, and the fifth node has no shadows. The fourth row has six nodes, where the first four have no shadows, the fifth node has a blue background, and the sixth node has no shadows. The fifth row has five nodes with no shadows. The middle node in the third row and the fifth node in the fourth row have titles in white font color. The first and last column are empty, and there is a horizontal space of 1cm between the fourth and fifth column.


The keywords for the LaTeX diagram above are: TikZ, nodes, arrows, edges, positioning, styles, shapes, text.

Source Code


    \usetikzlibrary{backgrounds,shadows,positioning,fit,matrix,shapes.geometric, shapes.arrows} % add shadows #1
    % a way to cut shadows in a cell #2
    \tikzset{no shadows/.code=\let\tikz@preactions\pgfutil@empty}
    \tikzset{background/.style={rectangle, fill=red!10, inner sep=0.2cm},
              backgroundN/.style={rectangle, fill=white, inner sep=0.3cm},
              backgroundNN/.style={rectangle, fill=red!10, inner sep=0.2cm}}
	\tikzset{back/.style={rectangle, fill=blue!10, inner sep=0.2cm},
	              backgroundN/.style={rectangle, fill=white, inner sep=0.3cm},
	              backgroundNN/.style={rectangle, fill=red!10, inner sep=0.2cm}}
\definecolor{antiquefuchsia}{rgb}{0.57, 0.36, 0.51}
\definecolor{byzantium}{rgb}{0.44, 0.16, 0.39}
\definecolor{darkcandyapplered}{rgb}{0.64, 0.0, 0.0}
\definecolor{darkbyzantium}{rgb}{0.36, 0.22, 0.33}
\definecolor{jasper}{rgb}{0.84, 0.23, 0.24}
\definecolor{pastelred}{rgb}{1.0, 0.41, 0.38}
\definecolor{pinkpearl}{rgb}{0.91, 0.67, 0.81}
\definecolor{blue(pigment)}{rgb}{0.2, 0.2, 0.6}
        fit={(#2) (#3)},
        label=center:{\sffamily\bfseries\color{black}#4}] (#5) {};
    \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=2pt,outer sep=0pt, % just do nothing after modification
    rounded corners, drop shadow, %to get a shadow in below a node
    minimum height=30pt
    text width=2.5cm},
    widebox/.style={draw=white,inner sep=0pt, rounded corners,fill=#1,drop shadow},
      cylinder uses custom fill,
      cylinder body fill=yellow!50,
      cylinder end fill=yellow!50,
      shape border rotate=90,
    \matrix (stack) [%  boxstyle=mybluei!40,%will overpaint blocks with background
    column sep=10pt, row sep=10pt, inner sep=4mm,%
        matrix of nodes,
            nodes={box, outer sep=0pt, anchor=center, inner sep=3pt},%  
            nodes in empty cells=false,% #3
        row 1/.style={nodes={fill=none,draw=none,minimum height=3mm}},
    |[no shadows]| & & & [1cm] & & |[no shadows]| \\ % #5
    |[no shadows]| & & |[no shadows]| & |[no shadows]|&  &|[no shadows]| \\
     |[no shadows]|  &  |[no shadows]|  &  |[no shadows]|  &|[no shadows]| & |[no shadows]|& |[box=blue(pigment)]| Web3 \\
     |[no shadows]|& |[no shadows]| &|[no shadows]| & |[no shadows]| &|[no shadows]| & |[box=blue(pigment)]| Truffle \\
    ||[no shadows]| & |[no shadows]| & |[no shadows]| & |[no shadows]| & |[no shadows]| & |[box=blue(pigment)]| React \\};
    \widernode[]{stack-1-1}{stack-1-6}{File track Dapp Architecture Architecture}{EPF} %#5
	\widernode[widebox=mygreen]{stack-2-1}{stack-2-3}{Blockchain Stack}{SM}
	\widernode[widebox=pastelred]{stack-2-4}{stack-2-6}{Front End Stack}{FE}
		        \coordinate (aux) at ([xshift=1mm]stack-5-6.east);
		            \node [back,
		                fit=(stack-1-1) (stack-5-1) (aux), draw, drop shadow,
		            ] {};                                   
	   %    % smth to create an arbitrary block with a border and shadow
	   %Background for smart contracts
	           \coordinate (aux) at ([xshift=1mm]stack-5-3.east);
	               \node [background,
	                   fit=(stack-2-1) (stack-5-1) (aux), draw, drop shadow,
	               ] {};                                     
       \coordinate (aux) at ([xshift=1mm]stack-5-6.east);
           \node [background,
               fit=(stack-2-4) (stack-5-4) (aux), draw, drop shadow,
           ] {};                                   
Deploy to Overleaf