

The code defines a TikZ picture environment that creates a customizable person figure. The figure is defined by a set of nodes with different shapes and sizes, and different colors can be specified for each part of the figure using the "pobl" and "pobl gron" styles. The figure can be rotated by specifying the "rotate" parameter in the "person" style. The "fit" style is used to group the individual nodes into a single entity that can be referenced as a whole. The code also includes some commented-out code that would allow the figure to be placed in a specific location and annotated with text. Finally, the code creates a TikZ picture that uses the "person" style to create a blue person figure with a size of 25pt and no rotation.


tikz, positioning, fit, node, style, pic, actions, minimum width, minimum height, fill, rounded corners, circle, anchor, rotate, fit, every pin, edge, arrow.

Source Code


    inner sep=0pt, outer sep=0pt, fill=#1,
  pobl gron/.style n args={2}{
    pobl=#1, rounded corners=#2,
  pics/person/.style n args={3}{
      \node (-corff) [pobl=#1, minimum width=.25*#2, minimum height=.375*#2, rotate=#3, pic actions] {};
      \node (-pen) [minimum width=.3*#2, circle, pobl=#1, outer sep=.01*#2, anchor=south, rotate=#3, pic actions] at (-corff.north) {};
      \node (-coes dde) [pobl gron={#1}{1pt}, anchor=north west, minimum width=.12125*#2, minimum height=.25*#2, rotate=#3, pic actions] at (-corff.south west) {};
      \node [pobl=#1, anchor=north, minimum width=.12125*#2, minimum height=.15*#2, rotate=#3, pic actions] at (-coes dde.north) {};
      \node (-coes chwith) [pobl gron={#1}{1pt}, anchor=north east, minimum width=.12125*#2, minimum height=.25*#2, rotate=#3, pic actions] at (-corff.south east) {};
      \node [pobl=#1, anchor=north, minimum width=.12125*#2, minimum height=.15*#2, rotate=#3, pic actions] at (-coes chwith.north) {};
      \node (-braich dde) [pobl gron={#1}{.75pt}, minimum width=.075*#2, minimum height=.325*#2, outer sep=.0064*#2, anchor=north west, rotate=#3, pic actions] at (-corff.north east)  {};
      \node [pobl=#1, minimum width=.05*#2, minimum height=.2*#2, outer sep=.0064*#2, anchor=north west, rotate=#3, pic actions] at (-corff.north east) {};
      \node (-braich chwith) [pobl gron={#1}{.75pt}, minimum width=.075*#2, minimum height=.325*#2, outer sep=.0064*#2, anchor=north east, rotate=#3, pic actions] at (-corff.north west) {};
      \node [pobl=#1, minimum width=.0375*#2, minimum height=.2*#2, outer sep=.0064*#2, anchor=north east, rotate=#3, pic actions] at (-corff.north west) {};
      \node (-fit person) [fit={(-pen.north) (-braich dde.east) (-coes chwith.south) (-braich chwith.west)}] {};
     % \node (-pwy) [below=25pt of -fit person, every pin] {\tikzpictext};
     % This draws the arrow
     %\draw [every pin edge] (-fit person) -- (-pwy);
%  [
%    every pin edge/.append style={latex-, shorten <=-2.5pt},
%  ]
   \draw pic (person) [pic text={}] {person={blue}{25pt}{0}};
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