

The code defines a LaTeX document of class "standalone" with the "varwidth" option. It loads the TikZ package and several TikZ libraries for positioning, chains, and shapes.

It then sets the length of a node to a specified width using \newlength and \setlength. In the TikZ environment, it sets the style of every node to a rectangle split with a draw option and a 90-degree rotation. The rectangle split is divided into 10 parts. Finally, it creates a node with a rectangle split shape and a specified minimum width and height.


TikZ, positioning, chains, shapes, rectangle split.

Source Code


  \tikzset{every node/.style={rectangle split, draw, rotate=90}, rectangle split parts=10}
  \node[rectangle split, minimum width= 1.2cm,
                        minimum height = 1cm]  {};
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