Cloud Arch


The code is a LaTeX TikZ picture that illustrates the architecture of an online banking system. The picture consists of two rectangular boxes representing two different software applications, an online banking software, and a bank teller software. The picture also includes several other components, such as a user profile app, a user surface, an authentication subsystem, and two apps. The different components are represented by different shapes, colors, and styles, and they are connected with arrows and lines that indicate the flow of data and operations between them.

The code defines different styles for the various components using the TikZ library, such as "purpleBox," "redBox," "orangeBox," "greenCircle," and "lineCustom," each with different characteristics such as fill color, minimum width, minimum height, text color, and text width. The code then positions these components in the picture using relative positioning with respect to other components. The nodes representing the different components are connected with arrows and lines that represent the flow of data and operations between them. The picture also includes labels that provide information about the different components.


tikz, node, draw, rectangle, below, right, of, above, text, fill, black, align.

Source Code


\usetikzlibrary{arrows, arrows.meta, backgrounds, calc, shapes.misc, positioning}
    purpleBox/.style n args={3}{
        text centered, fill=purpleVue, minimum width = #1, minimum height= #2, text=white,
        text width = #3,
        rounded corners
    redBox/.style n args={3}{
        text centered, fill=redVue, minimum width = #1, minimum height= #2, text=white,
        text width = #3,
        rounded corners
    orangeBox/.style n args={3}{
        fill=orangeVue, minimum width = #1, minimum height= #2, text=white,
        text centered,
        rounded corners
    greenCircle/.style n args={3}{
        fill=greenVue, minimum width = #1, minimum height= #2, text=white,
        text centered,
        very thick, 
        shorten <=2pt,
        shorten >=2pt
        >=triangle 60,
        very thick, 
      cylinder uses custom fill,
      cylinder body fill=greenVue,
      cylinder end fill=greenVue,
      shape border rotate=90,
% Hardcoded positioning
\node[rectangle, draw, minimum width= 10cm, minimum height=10cm, label={[anchor=north, inner sep=0pt, yshift=-0.6em, text=black]north:Online banking software}]
(online) {};
\node[right= 2cm of online, draw, rectangle, minimum width= 10cm, minimum height=10cm,label={[anchor=north, inner sep=0pt, yshift=-0.6em, text=black]north:Bank   teller software}]
(soft) {};
\node[rectangle, draw,thin, fill=blueBox, text width=2cm, align=center,
text=white,minimum width=2.2cm,copy shadow={shadow xshift=1ex, shadow yshift=-1.5ex},minimum height=1.5cm]
at ([xshift=0em, yshift=-4em] online.north) (upa){User Profile App};
\node[draw, left=5cm of upa]
(label) {Customer};
\node[rectangle, draw,thin, fill=blueBox, text width=2cm, align=center,
text=white,minimum width=2.2cm,copy shadow={shadow xshift=1ex, shadow yshift=-1.5ex},minimum height=1.5cm]
at ([xshift=5em, yshift=-7.5em] (us){User Surface};
\node[database, draw,thin, text width=2cm, align=center,
text=white,minimum width=2.2cm,minimum height=1.5cm]
at ([yshift=-7.5em] (db){Database};
\node[rounded corners, draw, fill=blueBox,
minimum width=2.2cm,minimum height=5cm, text width=2cm, align=center,
double=black, %% here
double distance =1pt, dashed, below left = -4em and 5 em of us] (as){Auth subsystem};
\node[database, draw,thin, text width=2cm, align=center,
text=white,minimum width=2.2cm,minimum height=1.5cm]
at ([yshift=-7.5em] (db){Database};
\node[rectangle, draw,thin, fill=blueBox, text width=2cm, align=center,
text=white,minimum width=2.2cm,copy shadow={shadow xshift=1ex, shadow yshift=-1.5ex},minimum height=1.5cm]
at ([xshift=-3em, yshift=-4em] soft.north) (a1){App};
\node[rectangle, draw,thin, fill=blueBox, text width=2cm, align=center,
text=white,minimum width=2.2cm,copy shadow={shadow xshift=1ex, shadow yshift=-1.5ex},minimum height=1.5cm]
at ([xshift=10em] (a2){App};
\node[rectangle, draw,thin, fill=blueBox, text width=2cm, align=center,
text=white,minimum width=2.2cm,copy shadow={shadow xshift=1ex, shadow yshift=-1.5ex},minimum height=1.5cm]
at ([yshift=-8em] (ps1){Promotion Service};
\node[rectangle, draw,thin, fill=blueBox, text width=2cm, align=center,
text=white,minimum width=2.2cm,copy shadow={shadow xshift=1ex, shadow yshift=-1.5ex},minimum height=1.5cm]
at ([yshift=-8em] (ps2){Promotion Service};
\node[database, draw,thin, text width=2cm, align=center,
text=white,minimum width=2.2cm,minimum height=1.5cm]
at ([yshift=-7.5em] (bp){Branch Promotions};
\node[database, draw,thin, text width=2cm, align=center,
text=white,minimum width=2.2cm,minimum height=1.5cm]
at ([yshift=-7.5em] (cust){Customers};
\node[draw, above=1cm of soft]
(bt) {Bank Teller};
\draw [->] (upa) edge (us) (upa) edge (as) (us) edge (db);
\draw [->] (a1) edge (a2) (ps1) edge (cust) (a1) edge (ps1) (a2) edge (ps2) (ps2) edge (bp);
Deploy to Overleaf