

This code generates a sequence diagram using the tikz-uml package in LaTeX. The diagram shows a sequence of interactions between three entities: an actor named user, an object named AudioService, and another object named Settings.

The diagram shows a message being sent from the user to the AudioService object with the operation name handleMessage(). The AudioService object then sends a message to itself with the operation name persistVolume(). This operation involves sending a message to the Settings object to store some data. The Settings object sends two messages to itself to store the data.

Finally, the code adds a node to the diagram to display a message label below the a-op object (which corresponds to the persistVolume() operation). The message label reads MSG_PERSIST_VOLUME, and is displayed in a smaller font size.


tikz-uml, umlseqdiag, umlactor, umlobject, umlcall, op, return, name.

Source Code


\node [below,font=\scriptsize] at (a-op.south) {MSG\_PERSIST\_VOLUME};
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