This is a LaTeX document that uses the standalone
document class and several packages including circuitikz
, siunitx
, and amsmath
. The circuitikz
package provides the tools to draw electronic circuits, while siunitx
provides support for typesetting units and amsmath
provides additional math symbols.
The code uses the circuitikz
environment to draw a circuit diagram with several components. The circuit consists of a voltage source (V), resistors (R), a current-controlled current source (cI), and a current-controlled voltage source (cV). The components are connected using to
commands, and labels are added to indicate the values of resistors and sources, as well as the direction and name of currents and voltages. Labels are also added to nodes in the circuit for later reference.
circuitikz, siunitx, amsmath, tikz, resistor, voltage source, current source, node, label.
Source Code
\draw (0,2) to[V,v>=$100\si{\ampere}$] (0,0); %% Note _>= instead of >=
\draw (0,2) to [R,l^=$2.5 \si{k\ohm}$,i_>=$i_1$,-*] (2,2)
to [R=$625\si{\ohm}$,-*](2,0);
\draw (2,2) to [short] (4,2);
\draw (4,0)to [cI,l_=$10^{-3}v_2$] (4,2);
\draw (4,0)
to [R,l^=$4\si{\ohm}$] (2,0);
\draw (0,0) to [short,-*] (2,0);
\draw (4,0) to [short,-*] (8,0);
\draw (8,2)to [cV,l_=$5000i_1$](8,0)
to [short] (10,0);
\draw (8,2)
to [R,l^=$4\si{k \ohm}$] (10,2)
to [R,l^=$6\si{k \ohm}$,v_>=$v_2$] (10,0)
to [short, -*] (12,0)
node[label={[font=\footnotesize]above:$b$}] {}
\draw (10,2) to [short, -*] (12,2)
node[label={[font=\footnotesize]above:$a$}] {}