

This code creates a circuit diagram using the circuitikz package in LaTeX. The circuit diagram shows a voltage source with label F=NI\mathscr{F} = NI, where N and I are variables, connected in series with a resistor R_g\mathscr{R}\_g. Another resistor, 0.5R_s0.5\mathscr{R}\_s, is connected in parallel to the voltage source, and the two components are connected in series to a ground node at the bottom of the diagram. The voltage across the resistor R_g\mathscr{R}\_g is labeled F_1\mathscr{F}\_1 and is shown in green, while the voltage across the resistor 0.5R_s0.5\mathscr{R}\_s is labeled F_2\mathscr{F}\_2 and is shown in blue. A symbol ϕ\phi is added next to the resistor R_g\mathscr{R}\_g and an arrow shows the direction of the current flow.


circuitikz, graphicx, mathrsfs, latexsym, amssymb, amsmath, current source, resistor, voltage, arrow.

Source Code


				\draw (0,2) to [V,l_=$\mathscr{F}\equal NI$] (0,0) 
				(0,0) to [R,l^=$\mathscr{R}_{g}$, v_<=$\mathscr{F}_1$, color=green] (4,0)
				(0,2) to [R,l_=$0.5\mathscr{R}_{s}$, v^>=$\mathscr{F}_2$, color=blue] (4,2)
				(4,2) -- (4,0);
			\node (phi) at (3.0,0.25) {$\phi$};
			\draw[-stealth]  (3.25,1.75) to [bend left=90] (phi); 
Deploy to Overleaf