

The code is a LaTeX document that includes a TikZ picture, which represents an electrical circuit. The picture includes a voltage source, a resistor, and two connections. The resistor is labeled with a symbol for equivalent resistance and a variable for magnetic flux. The circuit also includes a label for the voltage source, which is represented by an equation. The circuit is enclosed in a TikZ environment called "circuitikz," and the picture is drawn using the "draw" command. Additionally, the "graphicx," "mathrsfs," "latexsym," "amssymb," and "amsmath" packages are loaded, and the "bending" library is included from the TikZ package. Finally, a label is added to the picture using the "label" command.


document, standalone, circuitikz, graphicx, mathrsfs, latexsym, amssymb, amsmath, tikzlibrary, bending, node, draw, to, V, R, l, v, color, blue, phi, bend

Source Code


		\draw (0,3) to [V,l_=$\mathscr{F}\equal NI$] (0,0) 
		(0,3) -- (3,3) 
	    (3,0) -- (0,0) 
	     (3,3) to [R, l^= $\mathscr{R}_{eq}$,v_>=$\mathscr{F}$, color=blue] (3,0);
%	     \draw[thin, <-, >=triangle 45] (1.5,1.5) node[scale=2]{$\phi$}   ++(-90:0.5) arc (-90:100:0.5);
		\node (phi) at (1.5,0.5) {$\phi$};
		\draw[-stealth]  (1.5,2.5) to [bend left=90] (phi);     
Deploy to Overleaf