Circle CI Pipeline


The code above is a LaTeX document that uses the TikZ package to create a diagram. The diagram shows a CI/CD pipeline with different components and stages. The diagram is created using different TikZ styles to define the shape and appearance of different nodes and lines, and it uses the positioning library to arrange the nodes on the canvas. The diagram includes rectangular blocks representing Git Commit, CI Pipeline, Jobs, and Infura Deployment, and dashed rectangular blocks representing Truffle Tests, Documentation, and Test Coverage. It also includes three other rectangular blocks representing Ropsten, Rinkeby, and Kovan, and an arrowed line connecting the different nodes to show the flow of the pipeline. The fontawesome5 package is used to include the thumbs-up icon in the diagram.


fontawesome5, tikz, fit, arrows, calc, positioning, rectangle, draw, fill, text width, text centered, minimum height, dashed, inner sep, -latex', auto, above, below.

Source Code


\tikzstyle{block} = [rectangle, draw, fill=white,text width=16em,  text centered, minimum height=4em, thick]
\tikzstyle{blks} = [rectangle, draw, fill=white, text width=6em,  text centered, minimum height=4em, dashed]
\tikzstyle{big} = [rectangle, draw, inner sep=0.5cm]
\tikzstyle{line} = [draw, -latex',thick]
\node [block](exe) {\textbf{Git Commit}};
\node [block, below=of exe] (mgm) {\textbf{CI Pipeline}};
\node [blks, below=2cm of mgm] (fin) {Truffle Tests};
\node [blks, right=of fin] (prod) {Documentation};
\node [blks, left=of fin] (resch) {Test Coverage};
\node[above =0.2cm of  fin] (A) {\textbf{Jobs}};
\node [below = 0.3 of mgm, big,fit=(fin) (prod)(resch)(A), inner sep=0.5cm] (dept) {};
\node [blks, below=2.5cm of fin] (ropsten) {\faThumbsUp Ropsten};
\node [blks, right=of ropsten] (rinkeby) {\faThumbsUp Rinkeby};
\node [blks, left=of ropsten] (kovan) {Kovan};
\node[above =0.2cm of  ropsten] (B) {\textbf{Infura Deployment}};
\node [below = 0.3 of mgm, big,fit=(ropsten) (rinkeby)(kovan)(B), inner sep=0.5cm] (infura) {};
\path [line] (exe)--(mgm);
\path [line] (mgm) -- (dept);
\path [line] (resch)--(fin);
\path [line] (fin)--(prod);
\path [line] (dept) -- (infura); 
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