

This code is a LaTeX document that uses the circuitikz package to draw a circuit diagram. The circuit consists of a voltage source V_TH connected to a resistor R_TH in series. The voltage source is labeled with the voltage value 60 V, and the resistor is labeled with the resistance value 1.5 kohm. The nodes on either end of the circuit are labeled a and b, respectively, using the label option. The resulting diagram shows a simple circuit with a voltage source and a resistor.


circuit, tikz, voltage, resistance

Source Code


	\draw (0,2) to[V,l_=$V_{TH} \equal 60 \si{\volt}$] (0,0); %% Note _>= instead of >=
	\draw (0,2)to [R,l^=$R_{TH} \equal 1.5 \si{k\ohm}$,-o] (4,2)
	node[label={[font=\footnotesize]right:$a$}] {};
	\draw (0,0) to [short,-o] (4,0)
	node[label={[font=\footnotesize]right:$b$}] {};
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