

This is a LaTeX code for drawing a diagram using TikZ, a powerful package for creating graphics in LaTeX. The diagram consists of a DNA-like coil made using the decorations.pathmorphing and shapes TikZ libraries. The coil is composed of four segments that form a rectangular shape, with each segment having a different amplitude.

There is a chain of nodes going from left to right, each node having a rectangular shape with a drop shadow effect. The style for each node is defined using the every on chain style, and includes properties such as the color, font, and minimum width and height.

There is also a square node defined using the square style, which is not currently used in the diagram.

The post join style is defined but commented out, and would add a red arrow connecting certain nodes in the chain.

The diagram is commented out in places, indicating that some parts of the code are not currently being used.

Finally, there is a commented out line of code that would add the word "BLOCKCHAIN" to the diagram at a specific location.


tikz, shadows, chains, scopes, decorations, shapes, node, distance, style, draw, top color, bottom color, font, minimum width, minimum height, drop shadow, label, decorate, thick, aspect, segment length, post join, line width, rounded corners, red, square, dna, amplitude, transparency group, opacity.

Source Code


\usetikzlibrary{decorations.pathmorphing, shapes}
    start chain=going right,
    node distance=5mm,
    every on chain/.style={
      top color=white,
      bottom color=yellow!40,
      minimum width=6mm,
      minimum height=6mm,
      %drop shadow,
      %label={below:block \tikzchaincount},
    dna/.style={decorate, thick, decoration={aspect=0, segment length=5cm}},
%    post join/.style={
%      -stealth,
%      line width=1.5mm,
%      red,
%      rounded corners=1mm,
%    },
	      top color=white,
	      bottom color=black!10,
	      minimum width=12mm,
	      minimum height=10mm,
	      drop shadow},
    every label/.style={
  \draw[dna, decoration={amplitude=.15cm}] (0,-0) -- (1.1,-0);
  \draw[dna, decoration={amplitude=.35cm}] (1.15,0) -- (1.15,-1.1);
  \draw[dna, decoration={amplitude=.35cm}] (1.15,-1.1) -- (0,-1.1);
  \draw[dna, decoration={amplitude=.35cm}] (0,-1.1) -- (0,0);
%  \draw[dna, decoration={amplitude=.15cm}] (.1,-0) -- (1.5,-0);
%  \draw[dna, decoration={amplitude=.15cm}] (2.25,-0) -- (3.65,-0);
%   %\draw[dna, decoration={amplitude=.35cm}] (.9,-0) -- (1.5,-0);
%  \draw[dna, decoration={amplitude=.15cm}] (1.85,-0) -- (3.25,-0);
%  \draw[dna, decoration={amplitude=.15cm}] (.5,-2.5) -- (1.9,-2.5);
%  %\draw[dna, decoration={amplitude=.35cm}] (.9,-0) -- (1.5,-0);
%  \draw[dna, decoration={amplitude=.15cm}] (.1,-2.5) -- (1.5,-2.5);
%  \draw[dna, decoration={amplitude=.15cm}] (2.25,-2.5) -- (3.65,-2.5);
%   %\draw[dna, decoration={amplitude=.35cm}] (.9,-0) -- (1.5,-0);
%   \draw[dna, decoration={amplitude=.15cm}] (1.85,-2.5) -- (3.25,-2.5);
   %% Path for dots
  \node [on chain] {};
  \node [on chain] {};
  \node [on chain=going below] {};
  {[continue chain=going left]
    \node [on chain] {};
  %\node[square,left of= chain-6] {G};
  {[transparency group, opacity=.25]
%    \draw [post join] (chain-1.south) |- ( |- ( -- (chain-6.north);
 %\path (chain-3.south) -- (chain-4.north) node [black, font=\Huge, midway, sloped,xshift=0cm] {$\dots$};
%\node[] at (1.75,-1.25) { \textsc{BLOCKCHAIN}};
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