Latex User Sw Levels


A software architecture composed of multiple layers. It is divided into two main sections, the "User Level" and the "Blockchain/Ethereum Level."

The "User Level" section is drawn in a 3D-like isometric view, with a slanted perspective that is set by the commands that follow \newcommand. The different agents or components of the system are drawn as circles with fill color set to red, and are labeled with names such as "UI/UX," "API," and "Database."

The "Blockchain/Ethereum Level" section is also drawn in a slanted perspective, set by the same commands, and is placed beneath the "User Level." This section shows different agents or components of a blockchain-based system, such as "Dapp," "IPFS," "Metamask," and "Solidity." The connections between these components are illustrated using arrows, which indicate the flow of data or interaction between them.


tikzpicture, draw, rectangle, node, above, below, left, right, edge, dashed.

Source Code


% tikz diagram with a 3d perspective illustrating how web3
% and metamask can interactive with IPFS and Solidity
\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=1.1,every node/.style={minimum size=1cm},on grid]
	% Software level
		every node/.append style={yslant=\yslant,xslant=\xslant},
		% The lower frame:
		\draw[black, dashed, thick] (-1.3,0) rectangle (8.2,4.8); 
		% Agents:
			(7.5,2) circle (.1) % .pdf file
			(5,2) circle (.1) % .ps file
			(2,2) circle (.1) % .dvi file
			(-0.5,2) circle (.1); % .tex file
		% Flows:
		\draw[-latex,ultra thick,shorten <=5pt,shorten >=5pt] 
			(-0.5,2) to[out=0,in=-180] (2,2); % latex
		\draw[-latex,ultra thick,shorten <=5pt,shorten >=5pt] 
			(2,2) to[out=0,in=-180] (5,2); % dvi2ps
		\draw[latex-latex,ultra thick,shorten <=5pt,shorten >=5pt] 
			(5,2) to[out=0,in=-180] (7.5,2); % ps2pdf, pdf2ps
		\draw[-latex,ultra thick,shorten <=5pt,shorten >=5pt] 
			(-0.5,2) to[out=90,in=-180] (3.5,3.8) to[out=0,in=90] (7.5,2); % pdflatex
		\draw[-latex,ultra thick,shorten <=5pt,shorten >=5pt] 
			(2,2) to[out=90,in=-180] (2.7,3.0) to[out=0,in=-180] (6.7,3.0) to[out=0,in=135] (7.5,2); % ps2pdfm
		 % Labels:
			(1.0,2) node[above=-3pt, scale=0.9] {\textsf{\bfseries file}}			
			(3.5,2) node[above=-5pt, scale=0.9] {\textsf{\bfseries hash}}
			(6.25,2) node[above=-5pt, scale=0.9] {\textsf{\bfseries interacts}}
			(3.5,3.8) node[xshift=2ex,below=-5pt, scale=0.9] {\textsf{\bfseries logic contained in}}
			(4.3,3.0) node[xshift=2ex,below=-5pt, scale=0.9] {\textsf{\bfseries complements}}
			(1.3,0.1) node[above=-2pt, scale=1.1] {\textbf{Blockchain/Ethereum Level}}
			(-0.5,2) node[below,scale=.9]{\textsf{\bfseries Dapp} }
			(2,2) node[below,scale=.9]{\textsf{\bfseries IPFS}}
			(5,2) node[below,scale=.9]{\textsf{\bfseries Metamask}}
			(7.5,2) node[below,scale=.9]{\textsf{\bfseries Solidity}};	
	% vertical lines for linking agents on the 2 levels
	\draw[thick](6.3,5.1) to (6.3,0.9);
	\draw[thick](3.8,4) to (3.8,-0.32);
	\draw[thick](0.8,2.4) to (.8,-1.8);
	\draw[thick](-1.70,1.02) to (-1.70,-3);
	% User level
		every node/.append style={yslant=\yslant,xslant=\xslant},
		% The upper frame:
		\fill[white,fill opacity=.70] (-3.1,0) rectangle (9.9,6); % Opacity
		\draw[black, dashed, thick] (-3.1,0) rectangle (9.9,6); 
		 % Agents:
		\draw [fill=red]
			(7.5,2) circle (.1) % .pdf file
			(5,2) circle (.1) % .ps
			(2,2) circle (.1) % .dvi
			(-0.5,2) circle (.1); % .tex file
		% the icons
		\node[anchor=south,inner sep=0,xshift=-20pt,yshift=10pt,fill=white] at (-0.5,2)
		\node[anchor=south,inner sep=0,xshift=0pt,yshift=8pt] at (2,2)
		\node[anchor=south,inner sep=0,xshift=-5pt,yshift=8pt] at (5,2)
		\node[anchor=south,inner sep=0,xshift=20pt,yshift=8pt] at (7.5,2)
			(7.5,2) node[below right,,xshift=-20pt,yshift=-5pt,scale=.9,text width=2.5cm,align=left,fill=white]
				{\textsf{\bfseries \mbox{Smart Contracts}}\\ \textsf{\bfseries IPFS Hashes}
				\\ \textsf{\bfseries Authentication}}
			(-2.5,5.5) node[anchor=west,inner sep=0, scale=1.1] {\textbf{User level}}
			(5.1,1.9) node[below right,xshift=-20pt,scale=.9,text width=2cm,align=left,fill=white]
				{\textsf{\bfseries Transactions}\\ \textsf{\bfseries Ethereum Browser} }
			(1.9,1.9) node[below right,xshift=-10pt,scale=.9,text width=2cm,align=left,fill=white]
				{\textsf{\bfseries File Storage}\\ \textsf{\bfseries Peer to Peer}}
			(-0.5,2) node[below right,xshift=-20pt,yshift=-5pt,scale=.9,text width=2.5cm,align=left,fill=white]
				{\textsf{\bfseries Drizzle}\\ \textsf{\bfseries React}\\
					\textsf{\bfseries Truffle}} 
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