Q5blockdiagram2 2


The Laplace transform of a signal f(t)f(t) is defined as F(s)=Lf(t)=_0f(t)estdtF(s)=\mathcal{L}{f(t)}=\int\_0^{\infty}f(t)e^{-st}dt.

In this block diagram, R(s)R(s) represents the Laplace transform of the reference input signal, G_1(s)G\_1(s), G_2(s)G\_2(s), and G_3(s)G\_3(s) represent the transfer functions of the systems, and H_1(s)H\_1(s), H_2(s)H\_2(s), and H_3(s)H\_3(s) represent the transfer functions of the feedback paths.

The block diagram can be represented mathematically as: C(s)=G_3(s)(R(s)G_2(s)H_1(s)C(s))G_1(s)H_2(s)C(s)C(s)=G\_3(s)(R(s)-G\_2(s)H\_1(s)C(s))-G\_1(s)H\_2(s)C(s)

The signal flow through the diagram is as follows: The reference input R(s)R(s) is fed to the summing junction where it is added to the feedback signal G_2(s)H_1(s)C(s)-G\_2(s)H\_1(s)C(s) to produce the error signal. The error signal is then fed through the transfer function G_3(s)G\_3(s) to produce the output signal C(s)C(s).

The feedback signal is also fed through the transfer function H_2(s)H\_2(s) and then added to the output of G_1(s)G\_1(s). The resulting signal is then fed through the transfer function H_3(s)H\_3(s) and subtracted from the error signal at the summing junction.


tikz, nodes, arrows, styles, positioning, shapes.

Source Code


% standalone diagram for block diagrams
% Radius for arc over intersection
	connect/.style args={(#1) to (#2) over (#3) by #4}{
		insert path={
			let \p1=($(#1)-(#3)$), \n1={veclen(\x1,\y1)}, 
			\n2={atan2(\y1,\x1)}, \n3={abs(#4)}, \n4={#4>0 ?180:-180}  in 
			(#1) -- ($(#1)!\n1-\n3!(#3)$) 
			arc (\n2:\n2+\n4:\n3) -- (#2)
\bXInput{A}				% Input
\bXComp{B}{A}			% First adder
\bXLink[$R(s)$]{A}{B}	% Input Label
\bXBloc[2]{C}{$G_1$}{B}	% Block G1
\bXLink{B}{C}			% First added -- G1
\bXComp{D}{C}			% Second adder
\bXComp{E}{D}			% Third adder
\bXBloc[2]{G2}{$G_2$}{E}	% Block G2
\bXBranchx[5]{G2}{G2Right}	% Branch for H1, G2
\bXBranchy[-5]{G2Right}{invG2H1Left}	% node before 1 /G2
\bXBloc[-1.5]{invG2H1}{$\frac{H_1}{G_2}$}{invG2H1Left}	% Block 1/G2
\bXBranchx[-3.5]{invG2H1}{invG2H1left}	% Branch for H1, G2
\bXBranchx[10]{G2}{Bran2}		% Branch after G2 and for H2
\bXBranchy[5]{Bran2}{Bran2Down}	% beneath branch 2
\bXLink{G2}{adder4}		% G2 to adder
\bXBloc[3]{G3Block}{$G_3$}{adder4} % G3
\bXBranchx[4]{G3Block}{BranEnd} % branch before output
\bXBranchy[7.5]{BranEnd}{H3BlockRight} % Right H3 Block
\bXBranchy[2.5]{H3BlockRight}{BranEndReturn} % Right H3 Block
\bXBranchy[7.5]{E}{adder3down} % Below adder3
\bXBloc[-7.5]{H3Block}{$H_3$}{H3BlockRight}	% H3 Block
\draw[-] ( -- (;
\draw[->] ( -- (H3Block);
\draw[-] ( -- (;
\draw[-] ( -- (adder1Down);
\bXBranchy[5]{D}{adder2down}	% beneath adder2
\bXBranchy[-5]{adder4}{adder4up}		% beneath adder4
%\bXLinkyx{}{H2} % -- Connection for branch 1 and H1
\draw[->]  ( -- (invG2H1);
%\draw[->] (invG2) -- (H1);
\draw[->] ( -- (H2Block);
\draw[-] ( -- (;
\draw[-,name path=H2 to adder2down] (H2Block) -- (; % used in intersection
\draw[->] ( -- (D);
\draw[-]  (invG2H1) -- (;
\draw[->]  (   -- (adder4);
\draw[->] (adder4) -- (G3Block);
\node[right = 0.5cm of BranEnd] (end) {$C(s)$};
\draw[->] (G3Block) -- (end);
\draw[-] (H3Block) -- (;
\path[name path=line] ( -- (E);
\path[name intersections={of=H2 to adder2down and line,by=inter}];
\draw[->,connect=( to (E) over (inter) by 3pt ];
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