

The code is a TikZ picture which creates a diagram of a recycling process. The diagram consists of three icons (a mobile phone, a camera, and a laptop) arranged horizontally and labeled below them with their corresponding names. Below the icons is a series of bins, labeled with different types of waste. An arrow connects the laptop icon to each of the bins, indicating the category of waste that is sent to each bin. The bottom bin is labeled "Landfill". Below the bins is a label "Categories". Arrows also connect the bins to each other, and a bent arrow connects the cardboard bin to the mobile phone icon, indicating that the result is sent to the phone after the cardboard has been scanned.


latex, tikz, chains, positioning, fontawesome, nodes, edges, categories, mobile, camera, laptop, waste, recycle, landfill.

Source Code


\usetikzlibrary{calc, chains,positioning}
    start chain = going right,
      % text width=6mm,
      inner sep=5pt,
      on chain
% Move label below icon
\node[] (mob) {\LARGE{\faMobilePhone}};
\node[right = 2cm of mob] (cam) {\LARGE{\faCamera}};
\node[right = 2cm of cam] (lap) {\LARGE \faLaptop};
\node[below = 0.1 cm of mob] (moblabel) {\tiny{Phone}};
\node[below = 0.1 cm of cam] (camlabel) {\tiny{Camera}};
\node[below = 0.1 cm of lap] (laplabel) {\tiny{Server}};
\node[bin,below left=of lap] (c1) {\tiny{Cardboard}};
\node[bin] (c2) {\tiny{Food}};
\node[bin] (c3) {\tiny{Glass}};
\node[bin] (c4) {\tiny{$\cdots$}};
\node[bin] (c5) {\tiny{Landfill}};
\path[every node/.style={font=\sffamily\small}]
      (laplabel) edge node[right] {} (c1)
      (laplabel) edge node[left] {} (c2)
      (laplabel) edge node[] {} (c3)
      (laplabel) edge node[] {} (c5);
\node[below = 0.1 cm of c3] (label) {\tiny{Categories}};
% \draw[thick] (c3) -> (moblabel);
 \path[->]          (c1)  edge   [bend left=50, below]   node {\tiny{send result to phone}} (moblabel);
 \path[->]          (mob)  edge   [below]   node {\tiny{take picture}} (cam);
  \path[->]          (cam)  edge [below]   node {\tiny{send picture}} (lap);
\draw[thick,dotted]     ($(c1.north west)+(0.025,-0.125)$) rectangle ($(c5.north east)+(0.25,-0.35)$);
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