

The code above is a LaTeX document that creates a table comparing different continuous integration tools: Travis CI, GitLab CI, and CircleCI.

The document uses the standalone document class and loads several packages, including xcolor, tabu, and colortbl. It defines the row colors to be used in the table using the taburowcolors command with the colors orange and black!20.

The table itself is defined using the tabu environment with four columns, one of which is right-aligned and has an orange background with black text. The other columns use the X column type to fill the remaining space equally. The table has a black background with the header row having a darker background of black!80. The table cells have a small font size of sffamily\footnotesize and a row separation of 6pt.

The table compares the three CI tools with respect to their use of Docker images, support for private builds, and ease of use. The corresponding cells are marked as "Yes", "No", or "Yes (Education)".


latex, tabu, colortbl, tabular, rowcolors, cellcolor, color

Source Code


\taburowcolors[2]{orange .. black!20}
\rowcolor{black!80}\strut  & \color{black}Travis CI & \color{black} GitLab CI & \color{black} CircleCI \\
Docker Images & \color{black}No & \color{black}Yes & \color{black}Yes \\
Private Builds & Yes (Education) & Yes & Yes \\
Easy To Use & \color{black}Yes & \color{black}Yes & \color{black}Yes \\
Deploy to Overleaf