

The code is a LaTeX document that uses the TikZ package to draw a diagram. The diagram consists of a chain of five identical ellipses, each containing a rectangle split into five parts. The rectangles are drawn with a minimum width of 1.2cm and a minimum height of 1cm. The ellipses are positioned in a chain using the TikZ library chains and are spaced apart by 1cm. The arrows between the ellipses are drawn using the TikZ library arrows and are thick and bent to the left at a 30 degree angle. The arrows connect the ellipses in a loop, going from the first ellipse to the second, then to the third, and so on, until it returns to the first ellipse again. The diagram is enclosed in a standalone document class so that it can be compiled separately.


latex, tikz, arrows, positioning, calc, chains, shapes.

Source Code


    \tikzset{every node/.style={rectangle split, draw, rotate=90}, rectangle split parts=5}
    \node[rectangle split, minimum width= 1.2cm,
                        minimum height = 1cm]  {};
    {[start chain]
        \node[ellipse, start chain, minimum width=90pt, draw] (t1){\usebox{\task}};
        \node[ellipse, on chain, right=1cm of t1, draw] (t2) {\usebox{\task}};
        %\node[block,on chain,join=by {arrow},right=1cm of N1] (N2) {N2};
        \node[ellipse,on chain,right=1cm of t2, draw] (t3) {\usebox{\task}};
        \node[ellipse,on chain, right=1cm of t3] (t4) {$\cdots$};
        \node[ellipse,on chain,right=1cm of t4, draw] (t5) {\usebox{\task}};
    % Arrows
     \path (t1) edge[very thick,->,bend left=30] node [left] {} (t2);
     \path (t2) edge[very thick,->,bend left=30] node [left] {} (t3);
     \path (t3) edge[very thick, ->,bend left=30] node [left] {} (t4);
     \path (t4) edge[very thick, ->,bend left=30] node [left] {} (t5);
    % Arrows
     \path (t5) edge[very thick, ->,bend left=30] node [left] {} (t4);
     \path (t4) edge[very thick, ->,bend left=30] node [left] {} (t3);
     \path (t3) edge[very thick, ->,bend left=30] node [left] {} (t2);
     \path (t2) edge[very thick, ->,bend left=30] node [left] {} (t1);
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