Flow Chart


The code is a LaTeX document that includes the TikZ package to create a flowchart using various styles for the nodes. The flowchart depicts a process for reading a video, extracting its frames, applying a watermark to all frames, saving the watermarked video, and stopping the process. The nodes in the flowchart are defined by different styles, including startstop, process, io, and decision. The flowchart also includes arrows to connect the nodes and labels to describe the process at each step. The code uses various TikZ libraries, such as arrows.meta, calc, chains, quotes, positioning, and shapes.geometric.


latex, tikz, diagram, arrows, calc, chains, quotes, positioning, shapes, nodes, styles.

Source Code


                calc, chains,
    node distance = 8mm and 16mm,
      start chain = A going below,
      base/.style = {draw, minimum width=32mm, minimum height=8mm,
                     align=center, on chain=A},
 startstop/.style = {base, rectangle, rounded corners, fill=red!30},
   process/.style = {base, rectangle, fill=orange!30},
        io/.style = {base, trapezium, 
                     trapezium left angle=70, trapezium right angle=110,
  decision/.style = {base, diamond, fill=green!30},
  every edge quotes/.style = {auto=right}]
\node [startstop]       {Read Video};            % <-- A-1
\node [process]         {Extract Frames};
\node [io]              {Read Frame};
\node [decision]        {Completed?};
\node [process]         {Save Watermarked Video};
\node [process]         {Stop};             % <-- A-6
\node [process,                             % <-- A-7
       right=of A-4]    {Get Next Frame};
\draw [arrows=-Stealth] 
    (A-1) edge["read data"]          (A-2)
    (A-2) edge["get watermark"]    (A-3)
    (A-3) edge[text width=3cm,"apply watermark to all frames "]       (A-4)
    (A-4) edge["yes"]            (A-5)
    (A-5) edge["exit"]          (A-6)
    (A-4) edge["no"']          (A-7)       % <-- by ' is swapped label position
    (A-7) |- ($(A-2.south east)!0.5!(A-3.north east)$)
          -| ([xshift=7mm] A-3.north)
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