The code is a TikZ picture environment that plots a 3D scatter plot using the pgfplots
package. The plot represents the final state for a collection of bodies in 3D space, where each point in the plot represents a body. The coordinates of the points are given in the input data as (x,y,z)
tuples, and the size of each point is determined by the size
column in the input data.
The pgfplots
settings are defined in the preamble, including the axis limits, grid settings, and legend style. The compat=newest
option ensures that the latest version of pgfplots
is used. The tikzlibrary
and pgfplotslibrary
packages are loaded for additional plot customization options.
The axis
environment is used to define the plot axis properties, such as the axis labels, tick marks, and the viewing angle. The scatter
plot type is used to plot the data as individual points, and the mark
option is set to o
to plot the points as circles. The color of the points is set to a shade of blue using the mycolor1
definition. The visualization depends on
and scatter/@pre marker code
options are used to scale the size of the markers based on the size
column of the input data.
Overall, the code generates a 3D scatter plot representing the final state of a set of bodies in space, with each point representing a body and the size of each point representing some characteristic of the body.
triangle, circle, node, edge, path, fill, draw, coordinate, above, below, left, right, midway, bend, to, rectangle, rounded corners, minimum size, inner sep, outer sep, anchor, text, font, size, color.
Source Code
%% the following commands are needed for some matlab2tikz features
%% you may also want the following commands
%\pgfplotsset{plot coordinates/math parser=false}
scale only axis,
tick align=outside,
xlabel style={font=\color{white!15!black}},
ylabel style={font=\color{white!15!black}},
zlabel style={font=\color{white!15!black}},
axis background/.style={fill=white},
title style={font=\bfseries},
title={Final State for Bodies},
axis x line*=bottom,
axis y line*=left,
axis z line*=left,
legend style={at={(1.03,1)}, anchor=north west, legend cell align=left, align=left, draw=white!15!black}
\addplot3[scatter, only marks, mark=o, color=mycolor1, mark options={}, scatter/use mapped color=mycolor1, visualization depends on={\thisrow{size} \as \perpointmarksize}, scatter/@pre marker code/.append style={/tikz/mark size=\perpointmarksize}] table[row sep=crcr]{%
x y z size\\
-99997680035 -99855857673 -99997638019 2.53722289127305\\
-99995820981 -100078368310 -58635.022346 2.53722289127305\\
-99997695110 -100009034110 99997623812 2.51246890528022\\
-99995843643 226503275.05 -99995779505 2.52487623459052\\
-99988412223 -179555862.51 -32819.532687 2.52487623459052\\
-99995844851 -181718398.34 99995769983 2.5\\
-99997702127 99812198113 -99997628815 2.51246890528022\\
-99995834363 100002281340 28394.932892 2.53722289127305\\
-99997688220 100066622950 99997631716 2.52487623459052\\
-38982.610169 -100099789790 -99995805526 2.52487623459052\\
-48117.853869 -100038411320 -32185.880326 2.52487623459052\\
24109.366574 -99841676469 99995788472 2.51246890528022\\
11726.151807 12985306.256 -99988385554 2.51246890528022\\
-28519.319386 195477542.09 -15684.045798 5.59016994374947\\
27742.353864 -21179197.996 99988377381 2.51246890528022\\
8934.5609253 100197328670 -99995811305 2.51246890528022\\
-45136.404472 99925853996 17134.979224 2.51246890528022\\
-37145.860615 100011674450 99995806820 2.52487623459052\\
99997669088 -99781825884 -99997684828 2.52487623459052\\
99995807964 -99925688910 4436.776345 2.51246890528022\\
99997695013 -100027683570 99997681472 2.52487623459052\\
99995838034 -135798071.12 -99995820437 2.53722289127305\\
99988403193 228679228.99 -16782.459343 2.51246890528022\\
99995842575 -30315078.36 99995814229 2.52487623459052\\
99997700542 100089944940 -99997679122 2.52487623459052\\
99995828402 100221383780 -17685.690958 2.52487623459052\\
99997679305 100068347900 99997674675 2.51246890528022\\