

The code above is a LaTeX document that generates a standalone TikZ picture. The TikZ package is used to draw a plot with axes representing the real part of a complex number (σ\sigma) and the imaginary part of a complex number (jωdj\omega_d) in the complex plane.

The code draws the axes and marks the origin with a cross-out circle. It also draws dashed lines representing the angle θ=120o\theta=120^o from the positive σ\sigma axis, and another dashed line representing the angle θ=30o\theta=30^o from the positive jω_dj\omega\_d axis. The code also marks several points on the plot, including a point at (0,0), a point at (j23,0)(j^2\sqrt{3},0), a point at (2,0)(-2,0), and a point at -4,0).

Overall, the code is generating a visual representation of a complex number system and illustrating the locations of certain points and angles within that system.


tikz, shapes.misc, draw, node, dashed, solid, cross out, fill, black, -latex, -stealth.

Source Code


% Axes:
\draw [-latex] (-5,0) -- (2.5,0) node [above left]  {$\sigma$};
\draw [-latex] (0,-1) -- (0,4) node [below right] {$j\omega_d$};
\node[cross out,draw=black] at (0,0) {};
\draw[dashed] (0,0) -- (125:3.5) node[solid, cross out,draw=black] {};
\draw[black, -stealth] (1.75,0) node[pos=0.1,above right] {$\theta=120^o$} arc (0:125:1.75);
\draw[dashed]  (-2,0) node[below left] {$-2$} -- (-2,2.867);
\draw[dashed]  (0,2.867) node[below left] {$j2\sqrt{(3)}$} -- (-2,2.867);
\draw[dashed]  (125:3.5) -- (-4,0) node[solid, cross out,draw=black] {};
\draw (-4,0) node [below left] {-4};
\draw[black, -stealth] (-2,2)  arc (0:-180:0.3);
\draw (-3,2.25)node[] {$\theta=30^o$};
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