

The code above is a LaTeX document that uses the "standalone" document class to create a diagram using the "blox" and "tikz" packages. The diagram is a block diagram of a control system with one input, one output, and a single block with a transfer function represented by a complex expression. The "amsmath" and "amssymb" packages are also used to enable mathematical notation.

The diagram consists of four main elements created with the "blox" package: an input labeled "A" using the "\bXInput" command, an output labeled "E" using the "\bXOutput" command, a block labeled "C" using the "\bXBloc" command, and two arrows connecting the input and output to the block using the "\bXLink" command. The transfer function of the block is given as a complex expression using LaTeX notation in the second argument of the "\bXBloc" command.


standalone, amsmath, amssymb, blox, tikz, tikzpicture, bXInput, bXBloc, cfrac, bXOutput, bXLink.

Source Code


\usepackage{amsmath}  % For math
\usepackage{amssymb}  % For more math
\bXLink[$R(s) \quad $]{A}{C}
\bXLink[$\quad C(s)$]{C}{E}
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