

The code is a LaTeX document that includes the packages xcolor and listings. It defines a new style for listings called "DOS", which sets the background color to black and the text color to white with a small size and a monospace font. The code then includes a listing environment with the "DOS" style that displays a command prompt session output. The output shows various messages related to a game server, including players joining and disconnecting, spawning of objects, and collisions between players and health packs.


TikZ, graphics, nodes, arrows, styles, positioning

Source Code


Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601]
Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
C:> node server
listening on port 8000
New player joined with state: { x: 889.8103577555021,
	y: 752.1248414312639,
	angle: 0,
	type: '6',
	health: 100 }
Spawning DriftWood (316.6456740652798,706.8880647171098)
New player joined with state: { x: 849.9970300626003,
	y: 818.0782645328588,
	angle: 0,
	type: '5',
	health: 100 }
Spawning DriftWood (729.4982454697532,698.3670219092813)
Spawning Health Pack (302.4444058918867,648.1832695147405)
Player: [l-CPwPTDumIpyxZJAAAA], hit by bullet 
DriftWood number [0] destroyed by bullet [4]
Bullet [0] destroyed because it went offscreen (1057.767911147365,-15.736576261039652)
Spawning DriftWood (677.7964228519133,198.37306259674156)
Spawning Health Pack (696.4702310426835,208.46569810396736)
Spawning DriftWood (651.8236801243313,27.688863345238822)
Bullet [0] destroyed because it went offscreen (-13.088735950588386,764.9687287294422)
Collision between player[00-i166b_J4WWW3tAAAB], healthPack[0]
Player disconnected with state:  transport close
Player disconnected with state:  transport close
Deploy to Overleaf