The code above is a LaTeX document that uses several packages, including circuitikz
for drawing circuit diagrams, graphicx
for including images, and mathrsfs
for using a script font in math mode. The document defines a custom command \equal
that produces an equals sign. It then creates a circuit diagram using circuitikz
that consists of four components (two resistors, one capacitor, and one inductor) connected in a series with an input voltage source and an output voltage source. The circuit diagram also includes arrows indicating the direction of current flow in the circuit. The document also includes commented-out code for another circuit diagram.
latexmk, pdfLaTeX, circuitikz, graphicx, mathrsfs, latexsym, amssymb, amsmath.
Source Code
%\draw (0,4) to [open,v^>=$v_1(t)$,o-o] (0,0) -- Open Short
\draw (0,3) to [open,l=$e_i$,o-o] (0,0) % input
(0,3) to [R, l^= $R_1$,-*] (3,3) %R1
(3,3) to [L, l^= $L$,-*] (3,0) %C1
(3,3) to [R, l^= $R_2$,-* ] (6,3) %R2
(6,3) to [C, l^= $C$,-*] (6,0) %C2
(8,3) to [open,l_=$e_o$,o-o] (8,0) % output
(0,0) -- (8,0) % wire in bottom
(6,3) -- (8,3) % wire to output
% Current flows in tikz
\draw[thin, <-, >=triangle 45] (1.5,1.5) node{$i_1$} ++(-90:0.75) arc (-90:100:0.75);
\draw[thin, <-, >=triangle 45] (4.5,1.5) node{$i_2$} ++(-90:0.75) arc (-90:100:0.75);
% \node (phi) at (4.25,0.5) {$i_2$};
% \draw[-stealth] (4.25,2.5) to [bend left=90] (phi);
% \begin{circuitikz}
% %\draw (0,4) to [open,v^>=$v_1(t)$,o-o] (0,0) -- Open Short
% \draw (0,4) to [open,l^=$e_1$,o-o] (0,0)
% (0,4) to [R,i>=$\phi_1$, l^= $\mathscr{R}_{1}$,v_>=$\mathscr{F}_1$, color=purple] (4,4)
% (4,0) -- (0,0)
% (4,4) to [R,i^>=$\phi_2$, l^= $\mathscr{R}_{2}$,v_>=$\mathscr{F}_2$, color=blue] (4,0)
% (4,4) to [R,l^= $\mathscr{R}_{3}$,v_>=$\mathscr{F}_3$, color=red] (8,4)
% (8,4) to [R,i^>=$\phi_3$, l^= $\mathscr{R}_{g}$,v_>=$\mathscr{F}_g$, color=cyan] (8,0)
% (8,0) to [R, l^= $\mathscr{R}_{4}$,v_>=$\mathscr{F}_4$, color=green] (4,0);
% \draw[thin, <-, >=triangle 45] (6,2) node{$\phi_3$} ++(-90:1) arc (-90:100:1);
% \draw[thin, <-, >=triangle 45] (2,2) node{$\phi_2$} ++(-90:1) arc (-90:100:1);
%% \node (phi) at (4.25,0.5) {$\phi_2$};
%% \draw[-stealth] (4.25,2.5) to [bend left=90] (phi);
% \end{circuitikz}